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en:principal [2013/01/03 18:05]
vaulttech Added the quotation from in the pt page (I haven't retranslated it, but taken from internet)
en:principal [2024/07/31 00:47] (atual)
Linha 1: Linha 1:
-//"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."//+====== Featured ======
-**Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe** +  Know when there is someone in Matehackers in [[http://mateaberto.herokuapp.com/]]. 
- +  * **Blog**: Take look at [[http://blog.matehackers.org|MateBlog]]! 
-====== Spotlights ====== +  Subscribe to our [[http://groups.google.com/group/matehackers|mailing list]] (our main organizing means). 
- +  Take a look at our [[agenda|agenda]].
-  * (01/12/2012) **HackFest & RHOK**: Matehackers is going to be present in ThoughtWorks to take part in RHOK. Everyone is invited to the event. Simultaneously, we are going to have Hack Fest at the Bunker, for those who don't want to go to ThoughtWorksThe day will be especially destined to fraternization, hacking and other stuff;) +
-    RHOK: [[http://rhok-poa-2012.eventbrite.com/#]] +
-    * [[hack_fest|Hack fest]]+
 ====== About us? ====== ====== About us? ======
 [[Hackerspaces|Hackerspace = hackers + space]] [[Hackerspaces|Hackerspace = hackers + space]]
Linha 17: Linha 16:
 Besides, it is central to propiciate a space -- a Hackerspace -- to congregate these people: a free space where anyone can go at any moment and work in projects of any kind, related (but not limited to) technology, so that knowledge and learning exchange occur. Besides, it is central to propiciate a space -- a Hackerspace -- to congregate these people: a free space where anyone can go at any moment and work in projects of any kind, related (but not limited to) technology, so that knowledge and learning exchange occur.
-Matehackers is physically placed inside the [[http://bunker360.com|Bunker 360]].+Matehackers is physically placed inside the [[http://bunker360.com|Bunker 360]] in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
 ====== How to become a member? ====== ====== How to become a member? ======
Linha 27: Linha 26:
 ====== How can I help? ====== ====== How can I help? ======
-Here you can fin a list of [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar6ELBV64QUxdEV1OGFTZXhZUUpCRUY5TFFYYWRaRVE#gid=0|tasks and activities]] that we need to do to make this idea real.+Matehackers exists due to the colaboration of all its members. Currently all our costs are covered through a monthly payment done by the members and some revenue taken from some workshops we do. However, most importantly, we need to keep Matehackers an innovative and active place. Thus is any help you can offer (ideas, projects, material ou financial support) very important for us. 
 +Here you can find a list of [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ar6ELBV64QUxdEV1OGFTZXhZUUpCRUY5TFFYYWRaRVE#gid=0|tasks and activities]] that we need to do to make this idea real.
en/principal.1357236330.txt.gz · Última modificação: 2024/07/31 00:47 (edição externa)